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Camp Arevelk Is Back!

August 10 - 16, 2025

Check out what Camp Arevelk has in store for you!

Camper Registrations

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Volunteer Applications

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Our Speaker


Aram Bedrossian

Born and raised in San Francisco, California, George Aram Bedrossian has lived many lives before finding true life in Jesus Christ. Having worked professionally in the music, film, and fashion industry—both in New York, and Los Angeles—Aram found life without God empty, even when following his dreams. Though he knew this deep down, he only became aware of this sad reality once God gave him Naomi, who now stands beside him as his wife. Being embraced by her pure and bold love for him led him to recognize his need for God. If he was to honor her love for him, he felt indebted to return that same love; and he knew, by the Grace of God, that this would only be possible by knowing God’s love for him.

Long story short, 12 long and hard years later, Aram is graduating from Westminster Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, with a calling to serve as the Senior Pastor at Watertown, Massacheussets’ Armenian Memorial Church later this summer. Blessed with their 3 year old son Jonah Immanuel, Aram, Naomi, and Jonah are full of the joy of the Lord by the promise of being part of the fabric of the AEUNA and the AEYF. Having moved from the darkness into the light, they both know the need for the proclamation of the Kingdom of God—the only Kingdom they now know is worth living for. With the cross of Christ as their foundation, His resurrection as their shield, and His Word as their sword, they plan to serve the Armenian Evangelical members of the body of Christ as long as the Lord wills, with the love of Christ in them for you.

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