Camper Registration
We look forward to having your children join us for Camp Arevelk 2025! We have updated and simplified our registration process to make things easier for you! As always, registration, payment and medical forms need to be submitted before the start of camp.
STEP 1: Please click the button below to register one or more campers, pay and download the medical forms.
STEP 2: Download the Camp Arevelk Medical Forms, scan and email medical forms to the registrar at camparevelk@gmail.com. You can also mail the hard copy to Camp Arevelk 65 Kinnicutt Road, Worcester, MA 01602.
The State of New York Board of Health and Camp Arevelk require that we have all necessary medical forms onsite PRIOR to the start of camp. Any camper whose medical forms are not received by the registrar by July 27th, 2025 WILL NOT be able to participate in camp this year. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. There are new requirements in order to comply with the NY Board of Health. Doctor signatures are needed, please book appointments with the appropriate timing.
Cost & Deadlines
The cost of Camp Arevelk will depend on when you submit your online registration form and payment. Deadlines will be enforced!
The early bird rate will be available to anybody that registers and makes payment prior to the deadline listed when you follow the link below. We encourage you to register early to get the best rate available to you!
Scholarships may be available. You can contact Sylvia Jizmejian at ministerofyouther@aeuna.org or 1-508-479-8875 to inquire.