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How can YOU be involved?

Camp Arevelk has a leadership team that is dedicated and committed to providing the best experience for the campers, counselors and staff but we always need parent volunteers to help to ensure that the camp runs smoothly and safely!  If you are interested in being involved in helping Camp Arevelk succeed this year, please consider helping out in the following ways. We would love to see your gifts, talents, time and energy spent on any of the following areas:

Prior to Camp:
1.  Donations are always welcome and appreciated!  We have provided a link for you to directly donate towards the Camp Arevelk ministry.  This money goes towards the operations of camp and to provide scholarships for needy campers. Donate Now. 

2.  Setting up fundraisers in your communities.  We are always looking for creative ways to raise money. If you are interested in organizing a fundraiser in your area, please contact us.

During Camp:
1.  Prayer Meetings.  We will be providing an opportunity for parents of campers to join together via conference call each morning during the camp week to participate in a prayer meeting.  This prayer meeting will be lead by a parent volunteer.  Please contact us if you would like to be part of this group! 

2.  BBQ.  We need a crew of parents and volunteers to help make our BBQ a success!  We are looking for volunteers to set up, cook, serve and clean up on Saturday Aug. 17th.  Please contact us if you can help! 

After Camp:
1.  Helping your child to write an article to publish in your church publication and websites to help share about the experiences that they had at camp!


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